Dear friends! As always, at year’s end, people want to sit down at the table, take a deep breath, and calmly list everything that has been done during the past twelve months. Let...
Tag: bloomsday latvia
Konferences saturs – video
Labdien, kolēģi un interesenti! Kā jau varējāt laika gaitā pamanīt, ik pa brīdim publicējām konferences video fragmentus ar dalībnieku priekšlasījumiem. Visus kopā tos un arī citus mūsu iniciatīvas grupas aktivitāšu video var noskatīties...
A short summing up of Bloomsday in Riga, 2020
(by the author of the initiative - Mr. Atis Lejiņš) This year, on June 16, despite the pandemic, Latvia held its first Bloomsday event. Restrictions imposed by the government were fully observed thanks...
Video: the speech of the Ambassador of Ireland
Hallo, friends! If you couldn't attend our recent Bloomsday event, we are glad to provide you with video of the speech by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ireland to Latvia H. E....
Pateicībā draugiem un atbalstītājiem (+FOTO)
Un tā - viens svarīgs posms nu ir noslēdzies, notika ilgi un cītīgi gatavotā konference LU Akadēmiskā centra Zinātņu mājā, kuru veltījām īru rakstnieka Džeimsa Džoisa leģendārajam romānam "Uliss" un tā ietekmei uz...